Saturday, October 15, 2016


I can't even tell you how many times I have dreamt of what I would type on this post.  Suffice it to say I wish I had a dollar for every time I've thought about it. And, now that it's here, I feel a wee bit hurried (understatement) because WE ARE LEAVING IN THREE DAYS.  Federal court in Ethiopia reopened Tuesday, Oct 11.  Our agency was able to submit our paperwork to request a court date.  Thursday, my phone rang around noon and when I saw the call was from Grand Rapids, MI I nearly screamed.  The rest of the day I had a million things to do and all my mind and heart could handle was cleaning out the refrigerator.   I mean... of all the things.  But, in the end, we got the details covered that mattered... Plane tickets bought, details of childcare for the little boys secured (Brycen and Regan are going with us), and made lists upon lists of what had to be done.  We had done as much in advance as we could, but so much can only be done after you have a travel date.
Please note, I did not write "travel dates."  The number one question we get is, "When are you coming home?"  That's a million dollar question!  Prior to court closure, this process was estimated to take around 4 weeks (sometimes more quickly).  That may still be the case, but during the closure, the process for printing birth certificates for adoption cases changed.  We are likely to be one of the very first using this new system.  I will try to explain it as best I understand it... please know these things change often in Ethiopia.  But, in the past, after court a new birth certificate is printed showing the child's new name.  Now, we will keep his original birth certificate and the Kebele (office that does birth certificates) will print an adoption certificate that will go with his birth certificate to show his new name.  The big issue with this is that we have to use the Kebele that has jurisdiction over our case.  This particular Kebele has not yet started printing adoption certificates.  So, our agency has requested for us to have permission to use a different Kebele, though no answer has been given about that.  Should that be declined, our agency has some other plans to get higher government agencies involved due to the fact that this becomes a child welfare issue because the lack of printing the certificates prevents children from having homes.  We don't know when our particular Kebele will begin printing this necessary document or if we will be able to use a separate Kebele.  THIS IS OUR BIGGEST PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR TRIP.  This is important because after court, the first thing we need is his new birth certificate/adoption certificate in order to be able to get him a visa and passport.  Obviously, both are needed for him to come home.  We are praying we can get home in 5 weeks (or sooner), but know with this new system there are sure to be delays.
Another facet of coming home: THE AIRPORT IN KNOXVILLE.  WE WANT YOU THERE.  As I have written in previous posts, we absolutely want you and your family to feel free to come to the airport to welcome Tyson home.  I will just (really sweetly and kindly) remind you that he has NO CLUE who Tyson McKeehan is.  Once we are able to publicly share his Ethiopian first name, we will do that (after court on the 25th).  So, I will update from Ethiopia ( we will have wifi in our guest house) as to how we are doing and he is doing.  Should we start calling him "Tyson" before we make it home, I will let you know so you will know what name to use should anyone want to make signs (eyes looking at you Kristen Rose).  I will also just remind us all (me included) that we may or may not be able to see everyone individually at the airport.  If it is too overwhelming for him, we will scoop him up and head out the door.  So, we are grateful for your understanding.  Pastor Matt Paradis will be at the airport giving instructions on where to stand... we just want our immediate families (the little boys, grandparents, etc) up by where we will first enter and we want all of you AWESOME PEOPLE just past that closer to the escalators (if you're familiar with our small airport).  We encourage you to come and  make it a night of worship... one where we celebrate the faithfulness of Jesus.  One where you reflect on your own adoption in Christ.  We pray our coming home is a tangible picture of GOD's pursuit of you and the freedom that came to you once you entered a relationship with Him.  At the airport, I will likely be the one in the corner curled up in the fetal position crying.  Or, I might be the one floating on a cloud, arms raised, head looking upward, tears streaming down my face.  HE IS FAITHFUL. Either way, the One we celebrate is JESUS and the one we welcome home is Tyson.

My mind is reeling with things to say, but here's the deal.  Momma has stuff to do.  When your 1st grader has a project due while you are away involving making a 3D Noah's ark, you know what you do with 3 days to go? You build an ark, of course.  And paint it.  (Or help him... but we used hot glue, so it was Momma doing the gluing).  And then there's laundry to catch up, house to clean (because there is NO CLEAN LIKE NESTING CLEAN. Can I get an "amen"?).  I am not sure when my house will get SO clean and decluttered after we are all home and we aren't having or bringing home babies anymore. But, for now, I will use this nesting energy and finish what I started.  Bags are packed... all 11 suitcases and 3 backpacks (his backpack is in a suitcase).  Heart is full (so full it might explode).  Eyes are constantly on the verge of tears (and I was the crazy lady SOBBING MY EYES OUT in the Wal-Mart parking lot this morning.  SO undone with gratitude that He made a way for us to do this).
We are continually grateful for your prayers for safe travel, for the Kebele to begin processing adoption certificates, and for Tyson's transition to be seamless.  We will post pictures as soon as we can!  Feel free to follow me on Instagram and Twitter (@carriemckeehan).  Or, unfollow me if you don't want PICTURE CUTENESS OVERLOAD for the next month.

Singing praises.  So grateful for your prayers, love, and support (from helping with kids to cooking meals to watching the house to getting our mail to cleaning our house to helping financially to letting me cry for the past 6 years at random times to restocking our pantry after we return to words of encouragement, etc.  THE LIST IS LONG).  We literally wouldn't be here, doing this, without you.  Undone.

I look forward to our next post... I will have a little sidekick helping with that one!

Until he's home,

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