Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Willing to Yield

It is never easy to sit and look at this blank screen and flashing cursor when there is still nothing new happening in regards to our adoption.  It simply isn't where we thought we would be at this time.  Three years after completing our first piece of paperwork and still nothing tangible to show for it.  It's surreal.  And hard. And, in all honesty, lonely.  No human word can heal our hurts of longing, but the Lord hasn't stopped teaching us, teaching me, growing us, growing me, when we are simply

willing to yield.

This past summer the older kids and I spent the summer finishing up memorizing the book of James.  It was in those weeks that we first really meditated on and studied what would be my theme over the course of the last several weeks.  Simply put, be....

willing to yield.

When the kids and I first studied it, the idea was so tangible.  I could see how practical and valuable and useful and humbling these three words were.  At first, I could hear arguing over a toy, fighting over who sat in which seat in the car, whose turn it was to go first, who would get the last piece of candy, and I could simply say, "Who is going to be

willing to yield?" 

This idea of yielding is such a lost "art" in our culture on so many levels.  And, in discussions with the kids we often noted how counter to our culture it actually has become.  As a matter of fact, we talked about how yielding really is supernatural.  It is the idea of willingly putting someone else's benefit above your own.  The imagery is that of a car yielding to allow another to proceed before or of one turning his/her body sideways, arm outstretched to the side allowing the way of another to pass by.  James says it like this in chapter 3, verse 17, "But the wisdom from above is first of all pure.  It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and 

willing to yield
to others.  It is full of mercy and good deeds.  It shows no favoritism and is always sincere."  Wisdom from above is full of mercy.  It is gentle and it is peace loving at all times.  All times.  Even when it is hard, goes against what we want, or isn't what we "signed up for."  sigh.  Wisdom from above is what I want above all else.  Written right here in black and white James, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells us what true wisdom looks like...it looks like mercy.  It looks like gentleness and peace at all times.  It looks like someone with a spirit that is

willing to yield.

I have just completed a Bible study where I was asked, again, to examine James 3 in depth.  It was as if these three words came off the page to me. Again. But, this time it was with a different sense of purpose or meaning.  It was as if my prior experience of seeing  tangible ways  to yield to others was just to prepare me for what God had for me in this season.  As I reread James 3:17 this go around I heard these words so differently.  It was no longer about seats in the car, toys, sharing, taking turns, or driving a car.  In my longing and hurting I have been desperate for the tangible.  To come to the realization there isn't one other couple on the planet that Mark and I know that we can look at who really understand what it is like to be walking in these shoes. That is tough.  Others who have waited for things? sure.  Others who have longed? of course.  Others who have adopted? absolutely.  Others who have waited this long, willing to adopt an older child from Ethiopia without even a face, a name, or an age? not one.  The human in me wants something tangible.  As our Bible Fellowship class recently studied Isaiah 53 we discussed the impact of Jesus being 100% divine as well as 100% human.  To know He understands as a human has proven to be so healing and helpful.  However, it isn't (necessarily) tangible.  As my mind and heart began to grasp (again) for what I could hold onto, trust, see, I could sense Holy Spirit whispering, "be

willing to yield."

As God pressed in on this in my heart I finally realized that harder than yielding to what is tangible is yielding to what is not: His will, His way, His timing.  A person that will yield to others, meaning will give up what he/she wants for the sake of another, is one who won't fight to prove a point or feel the need to always be "right."  However, a person with a SPIRIT that is

willing to yield

is one who won't fight His will, His way, His timing.  It's difficult to even type for me, in all authenticity.  Quite frankly, because I don't like it.  And I am just to the point of being able to accept that just because I don't like it has nothing to do with the fact that it is the way to wisdom.  It actually has everything to do with His saying it.  In all His infinite wisdom and all He could have left for us regarding obtaining "wisdom from above" He chose to leave us with these nuggets of truth: Be

willing to yield.

In our flesh and nature this will not happen.  It has to be intentional.  It has to be planned.  It is a matter of trust. Am I willing to trust that He knows best, sees all, and is keenly aware of every detail in my circumstance? Or am I trusting what is tangible, what I can see, and how I feel (that's a big one!)? Am I

willing to yield

control to Him?  As I type, I have tears streaming down my face at how raw this still is for me.  No one on planet earth could have prepared me for this adoption journey.  It's tougher, longer, harder, and fiercer than I could have ever imagined.  But, in it all, He hasn't taken His eyes off us, her, or the clock over our heads.  Not for one second.  In my flesh, I would rather fight about who rides up front, whose turn it is to go first, or who gets the last piece of candy.  But, God has something bigger, richer, greater in mind.... His plan, His will, His way, His timing.  In the end, He is most concerned about my heart and how I trust Him with all of my life. Every season. Every detail. Every circumstance.  Little by little, He is growing me to better understand that in order to fully trust Him I must be

willing to yield.

To step aside, arm outstretched, and in my posture say, "Go ahead of me. I insist."  I don't know your struggle or if you can relate in any way.  However, I want to encourage someone today with the promise of this verse.  In the area of life you feel the most desperate for His wisdom, I would encourage you to simply let Him work on your heart in regards to yielding.  Perhaps for you it is matter of mercy, gentleness, peace.  Or perhaps, you could pull up a chair across from me at Starbucks over a latte, and we could be in good company.  Company that needs this truth to sink way down.... True wisdom from above is

willing to yield.

Even if I don't always like it or understand it.  His patience is limitless, thank goodness!  So, it may just come in baby steps, if you are like me.  I have found myself repeating over and over again in my head  for days or weeks at a time,

"willing to yield. willing to yield.  willing to yield."

Finally, it starts to sink in a little deeper.  And, even there, His goodness is waiting.  As each of us press on in the road He has asked us to walk, I am thankful He allows us to walk it together.  As we seek His wisdom, we cannot overlook the role our own choices make in regards to this truth: we must be

willing to yield.

It simply isn't optional in order to gain His wisdom.  And, when it's time to meet up at Starbucks in good company,  you order first.  I insist.  

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