Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Shalom

Our Peace.

It's such a sweet, intentional gift offered for our taking from the One who IS peace. The waiting is growing wearisome with each passing day, but we are confident in God's timing. This week has been particularly difficult. With orphan Sunday this weekend we have both had our minds more consumed with orphans. One in particular. Mark and I spent one night talking through things we think about:
"Do you think she watches other children go with families and wonder if she will ever get a family?"
"I wonder nearly every day if today is her birthday and no one is celebrating her."
"Do you think she had one full meal today?"
"I wonder if she has been in the orphanage a long time and doesn't remember her biological family."

And the list goes on. There are more questions without answers than with answers, but in the waiting we are growing, trusting, and believing God's plan to be abundant. Even when it is really hard to be patient. Really, really hard. I was just sharing with a couple adopting a newborn how closely the adoption process mimics pregnancy emotionally (at least for me!). I am forgetful, clumsy, and nesting. It's the craziest thing ever. And then I remember that adoption is God's plan and He never overlooks even the smallest of details. So, of COURSE my emotions mimic pregnancy. In all of that, however, it becomes difficult on some days (some days more than others) to accept the peace God is offering in the process. There are days it would be easier to have a pity party, cry my eyes out, and curl up in a ball. OK, so maybe I HAVE chosen that route a time or two (or five), but then, I am reminded of the Peace. God didn't send Jesus in order for me to have pity parties, cry fests, and days curled up in bed. He came for freedom and to offer His children peace. I am being more intentional about accepting it. Though, it continues to be a daily battle.

In the meantime, I have been so grateful for a song newly introduced to me, "Our Shalom." One day after Bible study my friend, Jenny, told me she wanted me to hear a song. I listened to it on her phone and then went to watch the YouTube video later that night. I immediately downloaded it and hit repeat on my iPod. There are times I can listen and sing along. Other times I can't sing due to overwhelming gratitude for Him, our Shalom. Then other times I listen with tears streaming down my face when all I can do is mouth the words. I am praying it will be a blessing to you. It now serves as one of my all time favorites for personal worship. The song is written by James Tealy. As you listen, I am prayerful you, too, will find Him to be your Shalom.

Our Peace.

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