Tuesday, May 17, 2011


When I sit and consider all of the attributes of God that my finite mind can list, it becomes overwhelming at times. He is Sovereign, Gracious, Healing, Forgiving, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Serving, Loving, Providing, Securing, Saving, Giving.... Oh my, the list could go on until all the ink on the planet is used up. And then it occurs to me:

He is Kind.

In the list of all of God's attributes I, for one, often KNOW, yet rarely celebrate the simplicity of God's kindness. On the one hand simple on the other hand, however, so intricate and precise is His kindness. Only in HIm could it be so simple, yet so precise. He is, after all, the One who made Salvation so simple, yet so precise and intricate down to the last detail. I am celebrating His kindness today.
Over the course of the last six weeks our family has been on a roller coaster of emotions. We have been excited about finishing up our home study and pressing toward getting our letter from the USCIS (immigration) confirming we are in their system and ready for fingerprinting on the federal level. Both are huge steps in the adoption process. In those same six weeks I went to the doctor with new, one-sided breast pain that had been radiating into my armpit and down my arm. The enemy is so deceptive and timely. Then it occurs to me... again...

God is Kind.

After three physicians have seen me, two sets of mammograms, and an ultrasound, it was decided that the lump in my left breast (not the one that had been causing pain mind you) should be biopsied. All three physicians assured me that they suspected the lump to be benign, but why wonder when we could know for certain? Sounded reasonable to me. All the while we wait for the USCIS paperwork. I would run to the mailbox every day like a kid on Christmas morning. Nothing. Friday morning I woke eager to start the day well at field day with Brycen and Regan and then I would go for the biopsy. I woke with a supernatural peace, not anxious at all to face the day. When I came home after field day to pick up the little boys and Mark there it was. Homeland Security. The paper we had been waiting on from USCIS stating we were ready for fingerprinting. And then, 20 minutes before I left for the biopsy, with freshly opened mail, it hit me fresh and new...

He is so, so kind.

Of all the days, of all the times for that envelope to come, He chose now. From the beginning of time when He set the world in motion with all precision and creativity, when He was planning your beginning and ending as well as mine, He thought of this day in all of that and He showed me kindness. Could it be coincidence? Of course. However, the Holy Spirit won't let me believe that, because then I am not recognizing His personal love for me and the fatherless. In that moment, with the envelope opened on the counter it occurred to me (and I was later reminded by a dear friend), "Satan hates adoption." And in the middle of all the unknowns, God was so kind to remind me that He is working hard to accomplish His plan, no matter what life throws our way.

He is so kind.

When Mark and I looked at our calendars Friday we knew the first time we could go to Nashville for the fingerprinting would be today (Tuesday). Mark had some things on his calendar that couldn't be changed last minute and I (and my body) needed a down day. But, when I woke Monday morning to my phone ringing, my heart sank a bit. I thought, "Here goes..." when I saw the doctor's number on my phone. And then I heard that my biopsy was, indeed, benign. Praises. I find myself wondering how I would have responded had the outcome been different, because even then, He is kind. As I searched scripture I found Biblical evidence that even with different results, I could celebrate God's kindness. I love Titus 3:4-7 from the Message, " But when God, our kind and loving Savior God, stepped in, He saved us from all that. It was all His doing; we had nothing to do with it. He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Savior Jesus poured out new life so generously. God's gift has restored our relationship with Him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to come- an eternity of life!"

He is so kind.

When we can't celebrate what our life is handing us now, we can still celebrate Him. His kindness offers us an eternity of life.
So, as I type at 4:28am, unable to sleep because I woke and couldn't shake these thoughts, His thoughts for mankind, His ways of knowing so simply, yet precisely, what we need to be reminded of His presence in the midst of tough days, I am in awe of Him. Leaving in a few short hours for Nashville to make our daughter one step closer to being ours, I can't shake it. I can't shake Him. I am choosing to celebrate Him for so many reasons. But today I am focusing on one....

He is kind. So, so kind.

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